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There is nothing more satisfying for our staff than to know their work with students in their care is having a positive effect. Here are some of the messages we have received from parents and students.

Parent testimonials

"Just wanted to thank you and all the staff in the cabin for everything you have done for Toby this year. He come on some much and is so happy and settled in school and that's all thanks to you all."

"We say it on each call we have with you, but thank you for everything that you and your team do for Grace. She's come on so much since she joined the Cabin."

"The progress our daughter has made at the Cabin has been life-changing. In the space of a few months, she has gone from attending her previous school for a couple of fraught hours a day (none of which was in the classroom) to a near-complete school week. With the Cabin staff's unending support and understanding, her school-days are now rewarding and empowering - they are full of social and academic activities, time in her classroom with her classmates, trips to the library, lunch in the lunch-hall and interventions to help her regulate and develop throughout the day. All the Cabin staff who work with my daughter are friendly, knowledgeable and nurturing. We feel most fortunate that they are a part of our daughter's life, and ours as a family. They are a credit to Gamlingay Village Primary School. The county (and the world!) definitely needs more Cabins like this one."

"We feel very fortunate to have been able to access the support you have given xxx at The Cabin and within the wider school environment. We know that he has the best possible chances of success under your care and guidance. We look forward to continuing to work with you moving forward."

"Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the Cabin staff for the support they’ve given xxx this year.  I genuinely can’t believe how much he’s changed.  This time last year he was the kid that refused to go in the Cabin and ‘hated’ TAs. He thought he’d probably do rubbish in his GCSEs and that most people thought he was ‘weird’.  This year he’s voluntarily visiting the Cabin, asking to spend more time there and when he was really fed up even said he missed his TAs!"

"He has flourished in every aspect, both socially, emotionally and educationally.  Whatever the results of his exams in August, we will be proud.  GCSEs were his goal and to achieve anything for him he will have succeeded.  He has made the best group of friends who accepted him, support him and hopefully will remain in his life for years to come."

"A big thank you for all your help & support for Alex.  I know it’s been difficult at times, but Alex, on the whole, has enjoyed his time with you and made a few good friends along the way!"

"Thank you… For all the calming, all the running(!), all the kindness and reassuring. All the taking it on the chin. All the listening, all the explaining.  All the phone calls, all the emails, all the paperwork… but mostly all the support you have given us all!  You really have been totally amazing!  Thank you!"

"Thank you so much for all your hard work this term in very challenging circumstances.  It is so reassuring to know Sally is safe and well and supported at school, and that is entirely down to your knowledge and dedication.  We are very grateful for you all!"

"We think that xxx is doing really well with all the support and help he gets at school."

"We’re delighted with the progress he’s made in joining mainstream and getting more independent at school, though we appreciate he still has a lot of support."

"xxx has coped well moving into mainstream, due to the support he receives from the SEN/Cabin staff."

"I just wanted to say thank you to you and all your team in the MVC Cabin for everything you have done for Ben. We will be forever grateful for coming to Ben’s rescue and saving his education at very difficult chapter in his and our lives. Thank you for believing in Ben and understanding that behind all his needs there is a young man who wants to achieve and do good in this world, it’s just complicated at times…..Without amazing educators like yourselves so many students like Ben wouldn’t get the opportunities they deserve to achieve what they are capable of. Your dedication, compassion and relentless resolve to work around issues in a positive way is truly remarkable. As Ben moves onwards with confidence and a positive attitude towards education it will be thanks to all your efforts to support him. I know Ben will miss you all and he has loved being part of the Cabin family."

Where to start? Providing a warm and non-judgemental environment where children feel welcomed and valued. A can-do approach where staff are actively looking for ways to support children to make progress personally, socially and in classroom learning. Building relationships with parents and understanding home situations so that these can be taken into account when trying to understand behaviours. - Gamlingay Cabin

Student Testimonials

"Thanks ever so much for making school a great success!  A few years back I was completely lost without you and The Cabin.  The amount you have done for me, I could not possibly thank you enough.  I’ll miss you & the rest of Cabin ever so much."

"Thank you for everything you guys have done for me, you’ve become a second family to me, and I cannot thank you enough for that support.  You are all the reason I am where I am now.  Before I came here, I didn’t think I’d make it past being 13 years old, and I was certain I wouldn’t be in school past then, but you guys gave me hope and made me realise that I do fit in somewhere.  Now I want to go to university, which is kind of crazy considering where I was only two years ago.  I’m really sad to be leaving and I’m going to miss you all so much, but at least it’s less scary because of you.  There isn’t a word I can use that’s enough because you guys have changed my life.  You’re all amazing people and you all deserve the world. Love you all."

"There’s so much I want to say; the work you’ve done for all of us has been exemplary, and you’ve been one of the best men I’ve ever met.  You’ve helped us grow and mature and gave us the space to do so.  You’ve been lovely. I’ll miss you."

"Thank you for all the stuff you’ve done for me, for never giving up on me."  

"I think that I get very good support and know that I can go to the Cabin if I feel overwhelmed or need some space."